Out of (Virtual) Hibernation
Winter has nearly passed -- just another paragraph in the book of life. The past several months have have been unexceptional – a simple prose of skiing, an occasional exclamation mark of a powder day, with parenthetical trips to Southern California for business and family visits. But this winter is nearly over. The gritty snow drifts around town are visibly shrinking in size on a daily basis. The sun is higher on the horizon, the days are warmer, and birds are singing in celebration. And so this virtual hibernation is over, spring is here, and we are on the edge of a new adventure, a new chapter.
So, stop by again soon. You are welcome to join us for the ride.
Quest’ e una introduzione bella a la nostra viaggio. Spero avere del tempo meravigliosa con mia moglie eloquente. Ciao.
Ciao Doris & John
We enjoyed meeting and talking with you yesterday. (Nice to have someone to speak English to once and a while)
Good luck on the remainder of your trip.
Frank & Anna Gilbreath
Lago Patria, Naples, Italy
Austin Texas
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